Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Twelveth Angel

This story was told by a friend of mine. He said he was touched & moved by this story, he even did cried. Even though he is not fun of reading books,but this has catch his attention, and it even gave him a mark for him to remember always.
As I was listening as he was telling this story, I was amused by the way his actions shows. He seems very sincere in saying that even though he is a man, something in that story made him cry. And even if I was just listening to him, I almost cried by the story.

The story goes on like this. There was this businessman who seems to have everything a man could want. A loving and dedicated wife, two beautiful children. A dream house anyone would certainly want & a successful business. What could he ask more.
But with just one tragic incident, he lost his family. It was a car accident & there was no one to blame. He felt like he lost his life by that certain tragedy. He don't want to live and wished he was there in the car accident for him to be with his family.

One day he went to one of his closest friend for him to have some company.His friend was a coach of a children baseball team. His coach friend told him to take over his job because he have something to do for the next couple of months. He then agreed for him to forget his problems & to keep him busy, he loves playing baseball anyway so he give it a shot.

The team was composed of different kinds of children. Some of them were rich & some are poor. But there was this one child who caught his attention. This child was very weak, clumsy, poor and his clothes are like rags. But he let him join the team since they were lacking one, he was twelfth player. Everyday, the boy named John was the most eager to learn &practice baseball. But he was weak, he couldn't even run without stumbling.The businessman turned coach was amazed by John. The determination he have& the eagerness to win.

The coach was happy to see John as they go practice. One day the coach asked John where he lives, John answered the coach's question. John live sin the next village. After hearing his answer, the coach was shocked knowing that the next village was very far from the place where they practice. The coach was moved by this, he gave John a bicycle, gloves and a bat. John was very much happy about the presents he had just received, he told his coach his greatest dream, to play baseball in the fields while his mom watching him.

The coach did what he had always hoped for. The coach invited his mom to watch their game and he let John play baseball. John then told him that it was the very happiest day of his life he certainly would never regret.A few days has passed after that game, the coach hadn't seen John. A week has passed and still there was no John playing in the fields. The coach went to John's house to ask why he hadn't showed up for one week. The coach almost cried to see John. He was lying in his bed as if waiting for his death. John's mom told him everything. John was dying because of leukemia.What made the coach cry was knowing John knew all along that he was sick but still manage to live & play. The coach cried as if he was the father of John. The coach hadn't been able to talk to John because a few minutes after he arrived, John passed away. The gloves and the bat was in John's side when he was buried. It was his last request because it mean a lot to him.

After John's death, the coach started to live his brand new life. He started moving on from the tragedies he went through including John's death. He promised to live his life & to help other people. Make sense right? Just learn from it. You'll never know, someday you'll be needing twelveth angel.

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