Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Have you known anyone to be backbiters? Well I do have, and I've got two of them. Backbiters are those people who talks ill against other people against their back. For me Backbiters are very disgusting and very pitiful persons.

Backbiters are those persons that don't have enough confident to their self. They are likely to be very insecure to their victims.

Its like they are wearing a mask. When they see their victim, they smile and talk to them as if there are no evil things running in their minds. But when their victim is away, that's the time when they talk ill against them to other people.

I have known someone who are backbiters, and sad to say that I am one of their victims. I pity them a lot. Because as what I have seen in them, they have no friends. As if they are the only living things in this world. Who would you think would like to be their friends anyway? I know for sure that I don't want to be one. I don't want even to get near them. They're just like decease, from which I don't want to get infected.

Backbiting is not good at all whether if its true or not. The proper way to inform a person if he/she id doing something wrong it to confront him/her and not by telling other people how bad he/she has done.

If you have been backbite, don't let your anger burst out. If you wanna clear out those mess that they have done, then confront them. If you think its a waste of time, then don't mind them. Anyways, you know yourself more better than anyone else. And those people who are your real friends, won't easily believed in it. In sum up to this, Backbiting doesn't do good. And those backbiters won't be happy at all. Pity for those Backbiters.

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